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How to become a member of the Gnostic Universalist Church

Membership is open to all persons 21 years of age and older, regaurdless of race, religion, sex, ethnic background, sexual orientation or political affilation who feel alligned with the beliefs and creeds of the church. 

If after reading and meditating upon the creeds, beliefs and rituals of the church, you wish to become a member, please send an email, stating your desire for membership and the reasons why. The email should include name, sex, address, date of birth, and contact information. Upon receipt of this information, a membership packet will be sent to you. 

Membership Obligations

The church is the collective assembled body of the individual members. Each individual member has the personal responsability to decide for themselves that which they belive and do.


A congragation is composed of three or more individual church members. Congragations meet in the homes of members and have no physical temple, church or building. Fellowships are congrations that come together n a common place to share and exchange ideas and resources, these fellowships may have a common meeting place or may manifest themselves as an onlie community or other network.

To join click below